Graduate Programs
Virology Graduate Training
Mol Bio 201C - Seminar in Molecular Biology (Virology Journal Club)
The virology journal club is held for two hours every week during the Spring quarter. Each graduate student is assigned a presentation date at the start of the quarter. The paper for presentation is chosen by the presenting student and submitted to the faculty preceptor(s) for approval at least one week prior to presentation. The subject of the paper is decided by the student presenter and is usually a key paper related to the student’s research and training but not chosen directly from that student’s field, thereby increasing the breadth of scientific knowledge. The journal club provides an important opportunity for students to improve/hone their skills in scientific communication, using feedback from the faculty instructors and fellow class mates in this important process. Participation in this journal club is mandatory for all Virology T32 training grant trainees.
Mol Bio 205 -Molecular Virology
This is a team-taught, graduate level literature-based and research-oriented course that covers numerous aspects of the molecular virology of DNA and RNA viruses (including retroviruses) with an emphasis on mechanisms of gene expression and virus-host interactions. The course consists of didactic lectures and graduate student led presentations of journal articles. The course is offered every other year during the Winter quarter.
Mol Bio M217A -Principles of Cancer Biology I
This course is offered during the Winter quarter. Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are studied from molecular viewpoints. Also studies their role in cancer as well as viral mechanisms of carcinogenesis. Designed for graduate students interested in cancer research. Format includes lectures and student-led discussions. Prerequisites: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 203 and 204.
M&MG 222 -Molecular Pathogenesis of Microbial Infections
This is a team-taught graduate course covering the pathogenesis of infections caused by RNA viruses, DNA viruses, retroviruses, gram-positive bacteria, and gram-negative bacteria. The overall goal of the course is to explore the molecular mechanisms that underlie how specific viruses and bacteria cause disease in their hosts. The course consists of didactic lectures by faculty accompanied by detailed, student led discussions of relevant peer-reviewed papers. It is offered every year during the Spring quarter.
Other Courses Taught by CVR Faculty
PUBHLTH 281 - Infectious Disease Epidemiology
This course is for graduate students only. Students learn about geographical distribution of infectious diseases and the health and disease risk in diverse human populations. Also, introduces basic methods for infectious disease epidemiology and case studies of important diseases. Includes surveillance, outbreak investigation, emerging pathogens, traditional and molecular epidemiology.